• Promotes Healthy Aging

    The combination of phyto-nutrients in DailyColors™ has the ability to support health and even slow many processes that underlie aging.

  • Supports Immune System

    Phyto-nutrients support stronger immunity via the gut. A plant-rich diet with plenty of colorful fruits, vegetables and legumes supports the growth and maintenance of beneficial microbes.

  • Complements A Healthy Diet

    When you combine DailyColors™ with a healthy diet, you are taking into your body an extraordinary level of disease fighting molecules that support ongoing cellular repair.

All It Takes Is 2 Capsules, Once A Day.

DailyColors™ gives you what is missing in a standard multivitamin.

Each capsule contains 161 plant nutrients extracted from the pigments of 16 key fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices found in the Mediterranean Diet.

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Patented & Clinically Tested

DailyColors™ was inspired and created by leading scientists and nutrition experts.

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